# 31st July 2019
# Using celery inside LAVA [Rémi]
Could be used for:
* Parsing description.yaml
* Replace crontabs
* Compressing logs
* Removing old jobs
* Sending logs to ES
* Splitting scheduling
* notifications
# August release ? [Steve]
Yes - aim for 28th
The release will have database changes
Tag the day before to let some time for lavafed to test the tag
# LAVA sessions for Connect [Steve]
Three sessions has been accepeted:
* LAVA Users' Forum
* Hacking and contributing to LAVA
* Advanced testing in python
# Support packages in Debian removed/being removed [Steve]
* lava-tool removed (
* django-compat marked for removal (
* django-hijack depends on django-compat, marked for removal too (
* Rémi will remove the dependency/mention
* VLANd needs some rework to go to [python 3](
# Migrating to django 2.2 (next LTS release) [Milosz]
* lava source code itself is compatible with django 2.2
* Dependencies on filters and rest framework
* Still waiting for a release compatible with django 2.0
* Trying to contact the maintainer to give some help (if needed)
# gitlab-runner on aarch64 [Steve]
The current package in [Debian](
https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/gitlab-ci-multi-runner) was a bit too old.
GitLab don't provide anything for arm64 but the Debian maintainer uploaded a new version that fixe our issues.
The LAVA design meeting is held weekly, every Wednesday at 13:00 to
14:00 UTC using Google Hangouts Meet:
https://meet.google.com/qre-rgen-zwcFeel free to comment here or join us directly in the meeting.
Minutes from this and previous meetings are also stored in the LAVA wiki:
Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Team, Linaro