On 2 March 2018 at 13:37, Zoran S <zoran.stojsavljevic.de@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Magnus,

I tried, I restored base-uboot.jinja2, I ahve added in bbb01.jinja2
{% set interrupt_prompt = 'Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 10
seconds' %}, I also added this into base-uboot.jinja2... I have
deleted rootfs partition on SDCard, since I can recover it easy. But
nothing helps. I changed the orders of the commands... All without

Lava refuses to recognise U-boot prompt. Simply and plain. Without
rootfs it at the end blocks:
## Executing script at 80000000Wrong image format for \"source\" command

Which, I think, is correct message, since it does not find correct
boot block on mmc.

I have no idea what to do else. Simply, I am stuck nowhere.

Whilst pastebins are useful on IRC, mailing lists do much better with complete attachments.

Please attach:

the device dictionary
the device-type template
the base-uboot template (as you've modified that)
the complete test job log file
the test job definition

Also, as this is a BBB test job, you could simply install the Debian U-Boot binaries to replicate the configuration which is already known to work without needing any changes.

Please be careful in triage, change only one thing at a time.

I have nothing else to do, just to build a new VM.


On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 11:44 AM,  <magnus@minimum.se> wrote:
> I believe your issue is that LAVA doesn't detect your U-boot prompt
> correctly and does not try to issue any commands. Meanwhile, your kernel is
> autobooting and at line 541 of your pastebin, LAVA gives up waiting for a
> U-boot prompt.
> You may need to tweak your u-boot prompt settings and/or uboot interrupt
> sequence. I am not sure if LAVA is doing substring matching of the
> interrupt-prompt, so "Press SPACE to abort autoboot" _may_ not match a line
> that reads "Press SPACE to abort autoboot 10 seconds". But I'll leave that
> to the LAVA devs to answer.
> BTW, you should avoid making copies of base-uboot.jinja2. Instead you can
> override these things from your device type config, for example to override
> the interrupt-string you can do:
> {% set interrupt_prompt = 'Press SPACE to abort autoboot 10 seconds' %}
> and it will override the default value specified in base-uboot.jinja2. Same
> goes for your TFTP commands,
> {% set uboot_tftp_bootcmd = '- your list of uboot commands here as a
> yaml-list'  %}
> On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 10:58, Zoran S <zoran.stojsavljevic.de@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Some additional data to the use case from the initial email. I have
> changed /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/base-uboot.jinja2
> (changed u-boot massge before prompt, since I am using U-Boot 2017.12,
> and also hard-coded SERVER_IP since I have two networks inside VM -
> one public -, second private -
> https://pastebin.com/T8Q7bhWj
> Zoran
> _______
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 4:56 PM, Zoran S
> <zoran.stojsavljevic.de@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have very interesting problem: I would like to do Lava testing of
> BBB01, but I am not suceeding.
> Simple and plain, my U-Boot scripts gets somehow rejected, they are
> not executed.
> I do download correctly, I have all the correct ingredients in place,
> but the U-Boot scripts are not activated, at the time of U-boot
> prompt.
> Here is my output, from the testing:
> https://pastebin.com/hTQQSLU1
> Rather, the thing gets executed from SDCard (from /boot on rootfs).
> I have no idea why this is not executed.
> Help appreciated!
> Thank you,
> Zoran
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