Hi Vincenzo,

please Ignore previous emails, and check this.

On Tue, 11 Jul 2023 at 20:16, Vincenzo Frascino <vincenzo.frascino@arm.com> wrote:
Hi Menna,

On 11/07/2023 16:50, Menna Mahmoud wrote:
> Hi Vincenzo,
> On Tue, 11 Jul 2023 at 6:27 PM Vincenzo Frascino <vincenzo.frascino@arm.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Menna,
>> On 11/07/2023 16:23, Menna Mahmoud wrote:
>>> Are you mean explain the problem in details ? if so,
>>> I enabled CONFIG_TEE and CONFIG_OPTEE in
>>> morello_transitional_pcuabi_defconfig file ( this by using morello-sdk,
>>> here you are detailed steps :
>> https://github.com/engMennaMahmoud/Morello-Kernel-Project/wiki/How-to-run-specific-Morello-kernel-image-on-FVP
>> ),
>>> but when run into the kernel after building it, I don’t how to test
>> optee ,
>>> I used ‘dmesg’ and ‘lsmod’ to check if it loaded but didn’t get any
>> result
>>> also when set CONFIG_OPTEE=m instead of =y and tried to load optee module
>>> got no found. also use ‘xtest’ command to test optee got this command not
>>> found. Are you have any idea about how to check optee?
>> I think I understand what you are doing and what is going wrong. What I am
>> missing is why you are trying to do that. Could you please explain?
> yes understood, I am Outreachy intern working on Morello kernel project,
> and part of my tasks is enabling optee and test it.

We never tried OPTEE on Morello FVP hence it might not work at all, but if you
want to experiment with it, I suggest to start from [1].


In particular:


$ mkdir -p <optee-project>
$ cd <optee-project>
$ repo init -u https://github.com/OP-TEE/manifest.git -m fvp.xml
$ repo sync -j4 --no-clone-bundle

$ cd <optee-project>/build
$ make -j2 toolchains

$ make -j `nproc`


Then install the morello FVP as per [2].

[2] https://linux.morello-project.org/docs/intro/

In particular:


$ mkdir -p <optee-project>/morello
$ cd <optee-project>/morello
$ wget -O FVP_Morello_0.11_34.tgz
$ tar -xzvf FVP_Morello_0.11_34.tgz
$ ./FVP_Morello.sh --force --destination ./FVP_Morello

Please answer with one of: 'yes' or 'no/quit'
Do you agree to the above terms and conditions? yes


Then clone the relevant firmware for the board in <optee-project>:


$ cd <optee-project>
$ git clone https://git.morello-project.org/morello/fvp-firmware.git


Then patch the <optee-project>/build/Makefile as follows:


diff --git a/fvp.mk b/fvp.mk
index 2f1f658caaad..78f9193903be 100644
--- a/fvp.mk
+++ b/fvp.mk
@@ -52,16 +52,9 @@ else
  EDK2_BUILD            ?= RELEASE
  EDK2_BIN              ?=
-FVP_USE_BASE_PLAT      ?= n
-ifeq ($(FVP_USE_BASE_PLAT),y)
-FVP_PATH               ?= $(ROOT)/Base_RevC_AEMvA_pkg/models/Linux64_GCC-9.3
-FVP_BIN                        ?= FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA
+FVP_PATH               ?= $(ROOT)/morello/FVP_Morello/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/
+FVP_BIN                        ?= FVP_Morello
  FVP_LINUX_DTB         ?= $(LINUX_PATH)/arch/arm64/boot/dts/arm/fvp-base-revc.dtb
-FVP_PATH               ?= $(ROOT)/Foundation_Platformpkg/models/Linux64_GCC-9.3
-FVP_BIN                        ?= Foundation_Platform
-FVP_LINUX_DTB          ?=
  ifeq ($(wildcard $(FVP_PATH)),)
  $(error $(FVP_PATH) does not exist)
@@ -302,39 +295,27 @@ boot-img-clean:
  run: all
        $(MAKE) run-only

-ifeq ($(FVP_USE_BASE_PLAT),y)
-FVP_ARGS ?= \
-       -C bp.ve_sysregs.exit_on_shutdown=1 \
-       -C cache_state_modelled=0 \
-       -C pctl.startup= \
-       -C cluster0.NUM_CORES=4 \
-       -C cluster1.NUM_CORES=4 \
-       -C cluster0.cpu0.enable_crc32=1 \
-       -C cluster0.cpu1.enable_crc32=1 \
-       -C cluster0.cpu2.enable_crc32=1 \
-       -C cluster0.cpu3.enable_crc32=1 \
-       -C cluster1.cpu0.enable_crc32=1 \
-       -C cluster1.cpu1.enable_crc32=1 \
-       -C cluster1.cpu2.enable_crc32=1 \
-       -C cluster1.cpu3.enable_crc32=1 \
-       -C bp.secure_memory=1 \
-       -C bp.secureflashloader.fname=$(TF_A_PATH)/build/fvp/$(TF_A_BUILD)/bl1.bin \
-       -C bp.flashloader0.fname=$(TF_A_PATH)/build/fvp/$(TF_A_BUILD)/fip.bin \
-       -C bp.virtioblockdevice.image_path=$(BOOT_IMG)
-ifeq ($(FVP_VIRTFS_ENABLE),y)
-       FVP_ARGS += -C bp.virtiop9device.root_path=$(FVP_VIRTFS_HOST_DIR)
  FVP_ARGS ?= \
-       --arm-v8.0 \
-       --cores=4 \
-       --secure-memory \
-       --visualization \
-       --gicv3 \
-       --data="$(TF_A_PATH)/build/fvp/$(TF_A_BUILD)/bl1.bin"@0x0 \
-       --data="$(TF_A_PATH)/build/fvp/$(TF_A_BUILD)/fip.bin"@0x8000000 \
-       --block-device=$(BOOT_IMG)
+       --data Morello_Top.css.scp.armcortexm7ct=../fvp-firmware/scp_romfw.bin@0x0 \
+       --data Morello_Top.css.mcp.armcortexm7ct=../fvp-firmware/mcp_romfw.bin@0x0 \
+       -C Morello_Top.soc.scp_qspi_loader.fname=../fvp-firmware/scp_fw.bin \
+       -C Morello_Top.soc.mcp_qspi_loader.fname=../fvp-firmware/mcp_fw.bin \
+       -C css.scp.armcortexm7ct.INITVTOR=0x0 \
+       -C css.mcp.armcortexm7ct.INITVTOR=0x0 \
+       -C css.trustedBootROMloader.fname=../fvp-firmware/bl1.bin \
+       -C board.ap_qspi_loader.fname=../fvp-firmware/fip.bin \
+       -C board.virtioblockdevice.image_path=$(BOOT_IMG) \
+       -C css.pl011_uart_ap.unbuffered_output=1 \
+       -C displayController=1 \
+       -C board.virtio_rng.enabled=1 \
+       -C board.virtio_rng.seed=0 \
+       -C num_clusters=2 \
+       -C num_cores=2 \
+       -C board.virtio_net.hostbridge.userNetworking=1 \
+       -C board.virtio_net.enabled=1 \
+       -C board.virtio_net.transport=legacy \
+       -C board.virtio_net.hostbridge.userNetPorts=5555=5555



After this step is complete you should be able to start the model and see the
optee image booting issuing the command "make run-only" from <optee-project>/build.

It will fail because you do not have the correct kernel and the correct device tree.

To install the correct kernel and device tree you need to mount the
"boot-fat.uefi.img" image as follows:


$ cd <optee-project>/out
$ mkdir -p mnt
$ sudo mount -o loop boot-fat.uefi.img mnt/
$ cd mnt


Copy here your OPTEE patched Image and dtb files making sure that they are named
"Image" and "fvp.dtb".

Should I copy  "Image" and "fvp.dtb" ? and where?
I copied them to <optee-project>/out, Is it right?


$ sync
$ sudo umount mnt


Go again in <optee-project>/build and issue "make run-only".

after this, it ran with Morello but was stuck at the point, I couldn't copy it. Could you please check this screenshot: https://paste.pics/ORMO6

The last thing I followed these steps: https://github.com/engMennaMahmoud/Morello-Kernel-Project/wiki/How-to-run-specific-Morello-kernel-image-on-FVP

and want to run morello kernel instead of fvp_firmware, Should I change anything in fvp.mk file? and then building the OPTEE with this command:
`make mrproper && make morello_transitional_pcuabi_defconfig && make ` instead of this ` make -j `nproc` `?


At this point the fun begins ^__^.

Let us know how it goes.

> Best Regards,
> Menna
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Vincenzo
